Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Senate in 2006

We were told that the Democrat's best chance to retake a house of congress was retaking the Senate in 2004. Underestimating the Republican grip on the South, we actually lost four seats and the Democratic representation in the Senate is at its lowest point since the great depression. In 2006 the Democrats must turn the tables, or at least stop the bleeding. Here are the Democrat's best chances in 2006 to pick up seats:

Ohio: Republican Incumbant: Mike DeWine
The state is clearly split down the middle, but has no Democratic statewide elected officials. Mike DeWine is a realitivley unknown and unacomplished Senator and any Democrat should at least make a race of it. Rumors have been swirling for years that one time Cincinatti mayor Jerry Springer wants to make a run for either governor or senator. Springer was said to seriously consider running for years now, but stayed on the sidelines because his show would hinder him. Springer has ended production of his show, and may be eying a 2006 run. His name recognition and media savvay would surly be an asset. And despite the content of his show Springer is a progressive democrat through and through.

Rhode Island: Republican Incumbant:Lincoln Chafee:
Senator Chafee is by most measures the most Democratic member of the Republican party, which serves him well in this heavily Democratic state. Rumors that he is planning to switch parties have been put down directly by the Senator, probably for practical reasons of wanting to stay in the majority, rather than any idelogical agreement with his new collegues like Tom Couburn and Jim DeMint. Although popular, Rhode Islanders may come to resent hurting the democratic majority in the Senate just to suport their preferred canidate, just as Alaskans defeated popular Democratic canidate Tony Knowles.

Pennslyvania: Republican Incumbant: Rick Santorum
This guy is crazy. I can't believe he was elected in the first place, and if I were from Pennsylvania I'd be embarassed. Although most pundits give him a decent chance at reelection I can't beleieve that a state that voted for both Gore and Kerry would give the hard right such a victory as the reelection of Senator Santorum

Missouri: Republican Incumbant: Jim Talent
The man who eventually wound up in the seat famously lost by John Ashcroft will face a difficult challenge in 2006. Although a Republican leaning state, Democrats can still win statewide elections.

Virgina: Republican Incumbant: George Allen
This first-term Senator may be vulnerable if Democratic governor Mark Warner decides to make a run after term limits force him to retire. Warner may hold off to contest the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, with all the talk of Democrats needing a redstater at the top of the ticket. ALthough the south is still GOP terrirory, we still have a chance in Virginia.

Naturally the Democrats would not only have to win all of these seats, but also hold onto all of theirs to retake the majority. This seems unlikely, and a pickup of two seats in the increasingly Republican country would be a coup. These Democratic Senate seats seem vulnerable:

Michigan: Democratic Incumbant: Debbie Stabenaw
As a Michagander I can tell you, Senator Stabenaw is vulnerable. Stabenaw was not a very popular canidate in 2000 and only won because her opponent Spencer Aberham was even more unpopular. Although a Democratic state, Michiganders would throw Debbie out if a charismatic young canidate came along. Luckily all the star power in the state is on the Democratic side, with wildly popular governor Granholm probably being a presidental canidate weren't it for the fact she was born in Canada, and Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick a virtual rock star in the hip-hop world.

Flordia: Democratic Incumbant: Bill Nelson
Famously a swing state, Flordia has a Republican governor, a new Republican Senator, and voted for Bush twice. Still Bill Nelson has a chance, especially since Jeb Bush says he's not running. The traditional midterm effect of the governing party losing popularity would probably be enough to push Nelson through.

Washington: Democratic Incumbant: Maria Cantwell
Squeaked out a victory in 2000, Cantwell is vulnerable this time around. Possible canidates are Dino Rossi (if he dosen't win the governership).


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